
Sunday, 8 May 2011

long time no see

Hi everybody!
It's been a long time since anything last happened here. Many things to do. But also many things that I have experienced and will now share over the next couple of days, weeks...

One is, I have been to a truely wonderful place in the Northern part of Germany, called 'Fischland', and to the 'Darß'. Wonderful landscape, wonderful sea, wonderful everything. I have taken pictures there, a couple of which I would like to share here.

all pictures taken by me

And guess what: I even offer a couple of them for purchase in print online! If you want, klick here to watch and comment on them or even rate some. I'd very much appreciate that!

Have been to several other locations lately as well and took shots there, so expect more to come here once I have been able to work on the 'raw material'